In 2001 Emilio Lopez Diaz got into the family business. As a sixth generation coffee farmer, Emilio was looking to continue the family legacy and move the story of coffee further into the future. The first washing station was installed at Finca Ayutepeque around this time. This gave the farmers the control to process the coffee on the fam where it was produced. This, in turn, gave a degree of control to the process allowing them to trace each bean exported back to the place where it was grown.
Farm: El Manzano
Farmer: Emilio Lopez Diaz
Established: 1872
Region: El Salvador, Apaneca-Illamatepec, Santa Ana
Cultivar: Red Bourbon
Harvest Method: Manual
Altitude: 1480 MASL
Process: Fully Washed (Mechanical)
Drying process : Patios
Finca El Manzano, founded in 1872, had belonged to Emilio Lopez Diaz’s family for generations. In 2005, he expanded the operation by replanting new varieties to the farm and by building Beneficio El Manzano. The new cultivars and production facility gave Emilio the opportunity to experiment with different processes as well as the ability explore the different characteristics that the other cultivars have to offer.
This degree of cultivation and control of the process has been at the forefront of what makes Finca El Manzano so special. La Cumbre is a selection taken from the highest portion of the El Manzano Farm. Coffee from El Manzano/ La Cumbre has contributed to three national barista championships and first and second place finishes in the 2018 El Salvador CoE.
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