Growing Together: Visual Campaign

Working Towards A More Sustainable Future

Growing Together is our social and environmental initiative where we host workshops, technical training, environmental preservation, and the overall improvement of quality of life for our farming suppliers and communities.

Learn more about the program here!

While technical training and workshops are a great way to directly improve our collaborators’ coffee quality and their quality of life in the long term, we’re fully aware of the more immediate needs in our community. One of those is the lack of access to specific medical care such as visual healthcare, which is among the most overseen ones.

Visual Health Campaign

This type of care is not readily available to El Salvador’s rural population. Hence, as part of our Growing Together Program, we made it a priority to make it accessible to our communities.

By partnering up with Belco, one of our long-standing partners in Europe, we were able to organize a visual health campaign to provide both students and teachers at our neighboring Ayutepeque and Las Cruces Schools with visual examinations and glasses for all those who needed them.

This visual health campaign took place over the span of four days, two at each school, to allow everyone to receive a proper examination by FUDEM (Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Mujer) professionals. During this time, over 200 students and teachers were examined and 37% of them were in need of glasses.

Since we would be providing the glasses, we were able to bring out several options so students and teachers could choose their favorite styles themselves.

Let’s Work Together

We’d like to thank Belco for all their support with this campaign. By working alongside our partners we know we can create a more widespread and meaningful impact from seed to cup and everything in between! We’d like to extend this as an invitation to everyone, feel free to reach out to learn more about ways you and your business can directly impact the lives of farming communities in El Salvador. 

We’re looking forward to sharing with you what is next in our Growing Together journey!

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